Project Desalter #0 (INTRODUCTION)

     I started working in the project "Pembangunan Desalter di Pertamina Refinery Unit III". I joined the electrical and instrument team. A little review about this Desalter Project. Desalter is vessel technology to reduce salt content in crude oil. In the world of oil and gas refineries. Desalter needed to inhibit the corrosion process in pipelines and other vessel through crude oil. 

(this picture is my photo in the front of the gate) 

    By the way in the this project, my position as technician instrument. Job descriptions that we do as follows:
1. Contruction support panel Junction Box
2. Contruction cable tray
3. Pulling cable
4. Contuinity & megger test
5. Termination 
6. Calibration equipment instrument
7. Instal equipment instrument
8. Contruction tubing
9. Loop test
10. Leak test
11. Function test
12. Comissioning
    In the next post, I will try to explain one by one on the job description above. I hope the criticism and sugesstion from readers. Thanks for reading. 


  1. I like it. I will wait the next episode! Thank you! 😀

  2. Buatku rasanya keren saja lihat seseorang kayak mas Royhan ini kerja di proyek, terus tiap kerjanya pakai seragam begitu ..

    Boleh ngga pinjem seragamnya buat berfoto ?, Wwkkk .. , ngaco mide:ON 😆.

    1. Wah biasa aja kok Pak, hanya buruh listrik yang sedang mengais rupiah.

      Boleh dong, tapi seukuran ga wearpacknya ? 😆


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